16-18 page comic becomes available to you Nov 26
Pre-order now, see 5 pages now and receive the full comic once it is finished Nov 26th.
Wendy Wonka and Brittany are partner'ed up to drain the factory's excessive blueberry juice. Brittany the cow-girl is tied up to a hose and dropped into the vast cavern of juice while Wendy is left topside...to make sure nothing bad happens to Brittany.
Still to come in issue 2:
Karma continues coming for Wendy.
Wynn's mom goes in search of a male connection and runs into someone. It's a good thing Wynn's mom has help... since things tend to go wrong.
BONUS: There will be 2 more pages of the "wendy wonka cow farm comic" included (nov 26) as well. These 2 pages are a continuation of the 1st page from issue 1 of the epilogue.